Stephanie Scott


I was first diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer at 35 years old. I’ve now been considered stage 4 MBC since 2017. Ever since 2009 I made it my mission to live for every day and ,with that determination, visit all of those places that I thought would have to wait for retirement. In 2010, I went to Africa by myself and camped for two weeks. In that time, I found myself and began living with even more intent than ever. I have hiked in Iceland, seen a sunset in Hawaii, ate in Puerto Rico, swam in Playa Del Carmen, played in Cabo San Lucas, frolicked on the beaches of the Dominican, climbed a glacier and mountain in Alaska, danced with Mickey at Disney World….Basically I am running out of room to describe my life since diagnosis. I have no plans of stopping this, even with the cancer now growing in my bones and liver. I’ll continue putting my best foot forward. My best advice for those newly diagnosed is to be the best version of yourself in the circumstances you are in. I know as I move along in this journey my health will change and so could my abilities, but I will adapt as best I can and if that means just traveling down the block then that’s what I’ll do. Just keep moving.