Ellen Busch



I had a mammogram for years. I had been called back for another look several times, so I wasn’t real concerned this time. I went on vacation with my husband, cousin, and her husband. I went in to have my right breast checked. I knew right away this was not a routine re-check. You need a needle biopsy, okay, wait about 10 days because of blood thinning medications. I had a feeling it was not going to be good. I was called the same day. Malignant. Breast tumor. I had mastectomy with reconstruction the same time. I was not told the results of the surgical findings until I saw the oncologist. I had cancer in 2 out of 6 lymph nodes, what!!! The nurse said “you would not be here if you didn’t have metastasize to lymph nodes” and not in a very good tone of voice. I had 8 total rounds of chemo, 4 each of 2 different drugs.

Before I was diagnosed, I had went to a bible study about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I knew that God would get me through my “Fire”. I am now 10 year survivor. Thanks to God my Savior.