Cindy Lawler



When you are first diagnosed with breast cancer, your brain starts thinking all kinds of thoughts. It’s like you enter into another dimension for a moment and nothing makes sense. I was fortunate that God placed people in my life to help me process everything and give me support, love, advice, prayers, and even put my sister in the ultrasound clinic with me and helped find the “suspicious adenoma” while she was there for her clinical education. Even though cancer is a bad thing, God used it for my good. It helped me to become more reliant on my faith and to have hope for better things to come. He placed people in my life right at the moment that I needed them. The best part was realizing how blessed I truly was to have such a supportive family, friends, prayer warriors, and co-workers by my side throughout my surgeries and chemo treatments. I hope to be able to help others now. I will continue to share my story, donate to research groups, and live the rest of my life with a thankful heart. God has a plan for my good. I believe that we can be a blessing to others when we survive our battles. We are giving others hope just by being there. Cancer did not beat me, and hopefully, will be a thing of the past as we look for the cure.