Together, we can do anything. Except stand idly by.


There are a number of ways to support those affected by breast cancer. Whether helping the community as a whole or donating in honor of or in memory of a loved one, each donation helps sustain our mission to educate the community and fight to end breast cancer.

Find out more about each of them below.

How we’re helping.

Over the past 5 years, more than 80 cents of every dollar spent by Susan G. Komen have gone directly towards research, community-based health programs, education and advocacy programs to support its mission of saving lives and ending breast cancer.

Make A Donation Now

Make a secure online donation using a credit or debit card. All transactions conducted on this website are encrypted using a secure server to protect your privacy. Donate Now.

Create a Memorial or Tribute

Make a donation in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a loved one’s survivorship, a special occasion or simply to recognize their courage in fighting breast cancer. When an ‘In Memory’ gift is received, we promptly send a personalized tribute card to the person or family indicated, notifying them of your thoughtful donation but not revealing the amount. Learn more.

Join The Promise Society Today

The Promise Society is comprised of individuals who have given personally or through a family foundation a non event-related gift of $10,000 or more during the calendar year. Learn more.

Have Your Gift Matched

To make a matching gift, use our search tool to find your employer. If your company is in our database, select it to see the specific instructions for the company’s matching gifts process. Organizations have different requirements and procedures, so please look up each company individually. Learn more.

Leave a Legacy of Hope

You can support Susan G. Komen® in a variety of ways, including through your estate. Including Komen in your estate plan will not only assist you in reaching and achieving your own philanthropic and charitable giving goals, but it will also allow Komen to continue its mission of discovering and delivering the cures for breast cancer. Learn more.

Other Ways to Give

Discover other ways to give by participating in American Airline Miles for the Cure, Giving Works, Global Promise Fund, Gifts of Stock and more. Learn more.

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How Komen Changes The World

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Where The Money Goes

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