Teresa Daleiden


12 Years & Going Strong

Diagnosed with Stage 2-3 Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) July 29, 2003. Bi-lateral masectomy surgery took place on Aug. 15, 2003 with reconstructive surgery followed by 4 rounds of chemotherapy. Genetic testing shows that I carry the BRCA1 gene mutation and therefore, proceeded with removal of both ovaries (& fallopian tubes) in May 0f 2007. 

If you are recently diagnosed with BC, know that there are thousands of survivors cheering you on and we will remain in your corner through the entire fight! Take control of your health and listen to your body when you need a time out. My family provided me with the support I needed during the scary times & my older sister in particular always made me smile if I was having a downer moment. Setting goals helped me deal with the day to day changes my body went through during chemotherapy. Having a best freind at my side to record the medical information I was given helped tremendously since sometimes I didn’t want to hear it let alone try to understand the terminologies given at various appointments. Co-survivors can help keep a journal of events for future use by the patient & family members and just be a good listener without being overbearing. My faith is so strong; I truly believe that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.