Amy Sumner



I am 32 years old, and in May of 2014 I was told by my doctor that since my paternal grandmother and my aunt both died of breast cancer at an early age, I should take the BRACA test. I agreed to do so, because lets face it, you never think it will happen to you. I found out that I had an 88% chance of developing breast cancer and 44% chance of ovarian cancer. After much research and talking with my OBGYN, an oncologist, and a plastic surgeon, I learned that a double mastectomy was the best choice for me. So, in October of 2014 I had the surgery. I was currently the store manager at a sporting goods store, which I had been for 9 years, and when I asked to return to work in December with lifting restrictions, I was told no, and terminated because I was set to have my last surgery in February. I am currently out of work, but I will make it my mission to help women know that if they choose to try to live, or if they are battling this awful disease, they shouldn’t fear or stress over the fear of losing everything including your health insurance. Hang in there! ONE DAY this will not be an option!